Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 3 Download Now Server 2 Lc Trinidad is the result of a series of wonderings regarding geometric Sans Serif typography design, in particular; Futura of Paul Renner. A “conversation” arose between me and the designer – actually there was no conversation, it is an euphemism for “I saw his designs, I draw them and discussed with myself some of his decisions – that ended up being the origin of this font firsts glyphs: A, H, N, O, R and S. I started with uppercase letters, and here is when Rudolf Koch with Kabel and his “Das schreibbuchlein” joined the conversation. This is how I could develop some alternative lowercase letters so as to illustrate this imaginary discussion. The result is a sans serif, geometric, modern typeface with classical Roman proportion in the uppercase letters; two stylistic sets for lowercase le...