Allison is a hand drawn signature style Script. Allison is great for branding, headlines, invitation cards or even as a logotype. Allison is equipped with over 100 Contextual Alternates and Standard Ligatures to keep the flow vivid and maintain hand drawn impression. These features are automatically ON, all you need to do is type! In addition Allison has Swash alternates for every standard character in case you need some extra flair. From Discretionary Ligatures you’ll find “st”, “nd”, “rd” and “th” ligatures designed to be used with numbers.
Allison Script is PUA encoded and you can access extra glyphs in any graphic design software.
Download Phonk Fonts Family From Slava Antipov Phonk is a quite bold and wide font. It's great for headlines because it is a good eye-catcher. The font can also be used well for logos and other typographic experiments. Phonk has very wide language support . It has both Latin and Cyrillic. Download Phonk Fonts Family From Slava Antipov Download Now View Gallery